Engkus Engkus


The problem of street children in the city of Bandung is no stranger to the people of Bandung. Moreover, the emergence of street children is due to family poverty. They survive in various ways such as busking, shining shoes, selling newspapers, begging and so on. It is not uncommon for street children to commit criminal acts such as pickpocketing, stealing because they are pressured by the economic situation. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of policies on handling street children in Bandung. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach, to reveal more deeply, how the implementation of Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection in the development of street children in the city of Bandung. Data were analyzed descriptively collected through interviews with key informants and ordinary informants in an unstructured or open manner. The results of the study revealed that both community support and the implementation of government policies in tackling street children in the city of Bandung have not been successful. So it can be concluded that the implementation of street child prevention policies in the municipality of Bandung is not optimal.


Policy Implementation, Street Children, Bandung Municipality.

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