Eddi Indro Asmoro, Artin Bayu Mukti, Azis Nur Rosyid


This research is an empirical study that forms theoretical concepts in the community empowerment system, especially students who act as initiators of modern business creativity. Promising coffee shop franchise businesses such as Daycinno, Starbucks, Coffee Toffee, Anomali Coffee, and Killiney Kopitiam. In the city of Semarang, cafes or coffee shops have started to appear with the concept of young entertaint and instagramable. The city of Semarang is now used as an alternative choice for studying at the higher education level for children outside Java. This has an impact on the mobility of the atmosphere at night in the city of Semarang which is quite high so that there are many cafes or coffee shops with the concept of young entertaint and instagramable above 50 cafes or coffee shops managed by entrepreneurs from students. The research methodology emphasizes the study of literature from articles, journals, and research grant reports on two themes, namely coffee and knowledge and technology transfer. The development of hypotheses to form an architecture of endogenous and exogenous construct variables as the basis for making a model for empowering student creativity: coffee product variants for modern business. Student Creativity Empowerment Model :Coffee Product Variants For Modern Business As Attractions of Local Tourism Objects consist of 6 constructs 1) Integrity of the coffee community, 2) Characteristics of coffee shops, 3) Characteristics of coffee types, 4) Innovation of coffee product variants, 5) Market segment lifestyle of coffee connoisseurs, and 6) Empowering creativity for modern business as an attraction for local tourism objects. From each of the 6 constructs, it is strongly influenced by the operational variables of the indicators, totaling a total of 26 operational indicators.


Empirical Study, Constructs, Indicator Operational Variables

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