Dewi Rispawati


This research entitled is "Optimizing marketing promotion mix in marketing housing products of Perum Perumnas Branch The Mataram", which aims to increase the marketing promotion mix used in marketing housing products of Perum Perumnas Branch The Mataram. This research is a descriptive study with a case method. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation. This study uses the technique of checking the validity of data based on triangulation techniques. The type of data in this study are qualitative data and quantitative data and data sources, namely primary data and secondary data. Based on the analysis it can be seen that to increase the marketing promotion mix in marketing housing products of Perum Perumnas Branch The Mataram can be done such as: personal selling, mass selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. By optimizing the marketing promotion mix in marketing the housing products of Perum Perumnas Branch the Mataram, so that they can be better known by the public, and sell well and are in demand by consumers. Optimizing the marketing promotion mix that can be done in marketing housing products of Perum Perumnas Branch The Mataram, among others, by conducting Personal selling, Mass selling, Sales Promotion, Public relations and Direct marketing


Optimization, Mix Marketing Promotion.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33758/mbi.v13i8.223


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ISSN 1978-3787 (print) | 2615-3505( online)
Published by BINA PATRIA | Email: laloemipa@gmail.com

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