Ni Ketut Arniti


This research was conducted to determine the effect of entrepreneurial competence on the development of Padas Stone Crafts, the influence of creativity on the development of Padas Stone Crafts and the influence of the use of social media on the development of the Padas Stone Craft Business. This research was conducted on a number of Padas Stone Carving Art Crafts in the Banjar Silakarang, Sukawati, Gianyar Bali. Data collection was conducted with a questionnaire to 36 respondents. The collected data was analyzed by multiple linear regression, analysis of determination and significance test with t test. The results showed that 1) The amount of the t-count for the entrepreneurial competency variable was 4.702> t table 1.697 with a significance level of 0.000. This means that partially entrepreneurial competence has a real influence on the development of the Craft Business. 2) The amount of the tcount for the creativity variable is 2.962> ttable 1.697 with a significance level of 0.006. This means that partially creativity has a real influence on the development of the Craft Business. 3) The amount of the tcount for the variable social media use is 2.116> t table 1.697 with a significance level of 0.042. This means that partially the use of social media has a real influence on the development of the Craft Business.


entrepreneurial competence, creativity, social media and the development of business

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