Rispa Eliza, Lailani Fitria


Implementation of education policies in the emergency period of the spread of the Covid 19 has been going on since March 2020 by conducting online learning. Measurement of student satisfaction in learning is an activity that should be carried out to determine the level of student satisfaction with online learning. In this research will focus on online learning satisfaction of college students in the  Dumai dan the effect of online learning on student personality.  The method used in this research is descriptive statistics where data retrieved through questionnaires distributed to students from 7 universities in the  Dumai. Questionaire aided calculation using SPSS software. The result of the X2 variable, studesnts answered strongly agree about 17,1%. This condition means that students are very satisfied with online learning because that can reduce the spread of Covid 19 in the Dumai. The impact of online learning on the personality of the Y1 variable, students answered strongly agree about 27,4% which means online learning it has a bad effect on students because it makes them addicted to playing gadgets. Asymp.Sig (2-sided) value is 0.000 ˂ 0.05, there is a relationship and influence between online learning satisfaction and student personality in Dumai.


Descriptive Statistics , Questionnaire, SPSS & Dumai

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